Irish Prison Service Climate Action Roadmap 2023 - May 19th, 2023
Irish Prison Service Climate Action Roadmap 2023
We are delighted to publish the second edition of our Climate Action Roadmap for the Irish Prison Service under the Government’s Public Sector Climate Action Mandate.
This Roadmap sets out how the Irish Prison Service aims to meet the targets set by Government in the Climate Action Plan, and our plans to reduce energy related and fossil fuel related emissions from our operations.
The Irish Prison Service is classified as a large energy user. We are an essential 24/7 frontline service providing vital public services. Our prisons are vibrant communities, with over 6,000 people interacting with each other on a daily basis.
While most of our work is done behind the walls of our prisons, every day our vehicles can be seen travelling the length and breadth of the country transporting prisoners to and from courts or between our institutions.
The Irish Prison Service, like many other large organisations, is faced with a number of significant challenges in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. Many of these challenges are not new to our Service – overcrowding, limited capacity, recruitment of staff and providing appropriate care for vulnerable people with serious addiction or mental health issues are all immediate priority. However, we recognise that critical environmental issues, including global warming and the need for decarbonisation are challenges, which we must face up to and address sooner rather than later.
The publication of our Climate Action Roadmap is the first step in our journey. This Roadmap will be updated on an annual basis and its implementation will be driven by a newly formed Climate Action Steering Group consisting of senior staff from across the organisation each with expertise in key areas such as strategic planning, energy management, transportation, waste and water management, staff training and communications.
The Climate Action Steering Committee will be led our Climate and Sustainability Lead Mr. Ciaron McCauley who is our nominated Energy Performance Officer (EPO) as required by the Climate Action Mandate. The Committee will report to the Directors Leadership Team via the Climate Action Champion, Derek Caldbeck, Director of Finance Estates & Procurement
We have identified a number of “Action Areas” in our Roadmap, which include practical and achievable actions including:
- Action Area 1: Monitoring and Reporting
- Action Area 2: Culture of Sustainability
- Action Area 3: Reduced Consumption and Carbon Emissions
- Action Area 4: Green Procurement
- Action Area 5 – Reduced Waste
We acknowledge that, while the road ahead is long, and there are a number of competing challenges and complexities involved, it is important that we act effectively and appropriately. The Government has set ambitious targets to be achieved by 2030 and by delivering on this Roadmap, which is a collaborative exercise, we can all play our part in creating a better environment for the users of our facilities, our staff, our partners and wider community both local and global, and help ensure a sustainable future for future generations.
Climate Action Roadmap 2023 – English Version
Climate Action Roadmap 2023 – Irish Version
Derek Caldbeck Ciaron McCauley
Climate Action Champion Energy Performance Officer.
Irish Prison Service Climate Action Roadmap 2023 - May 19th, 2023
Irish Prison Service Climate Action Roadmap 2023
We are delighted to publish the second edition of our Climate Action Roadmap for the Irish Prison Service under the Government’s Public Sector Climate Action Mandate.
This Roadmap sets out how the Irish Prison Service aims to meet the targets set by Government in the Climate Action Plan, and our plans to reduce energy related and fossil fuel related emissions from our operations.
The Irish Prison Service is classified as a large energy user. We are an essential 24/7 frontline service providing vital public services. Our prisons are vibrant communities, with over 6,000 people interacting with each other on a daily basis.
While most of our work is done behind the walls of our prisons, every day our vehicles can be seen travelling the length and breadth of the country transporting prisoners to and from courts or between our institutions.
The Irish Prison Service, like many other large organisations, is faced with a number of significant challenges in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. Many of these challenges are not new to our Service – overcrowding, limited capacity, recruitment of staff and providing appropriate care for vulnerable people with serious addiction or mental health issues are all immediate priority. However, we recognise that critical environmental issues, including global warming and the need for decarbonisation are challenges, which we must face up to and address sooner rather than later.
The publication of our Climate Action Roadmap is the first step in our journey. This Roadmap will be updated on an annual basis and its implementation will be driven by a newly formed Climate Action Steering Group consisting of senior staff from across the organisation each with expertise in key areas such as strategic planning, energy management, transportation, waste and water management, staff training and communications.
The Climate Action Steering Committee will be led our Climate and Sustainability Lead Mr. Ciaron McCauley who is our nominated Energy Performance Officer (EPO) as required by the Climate Action Mandate. The Committee will report to the Directors Leadership Team via the Climate Action Champion, Derek Caldbeck, Director of Finance Estates & Procurement
We have identified a number of “Action Areas” in our Roadmap, which include practical and achievable actions including:
- Action Area 1: Monitoring and Reporting
- Action Area 2: Culture of Sustainability
- Action Area 3: Reduced Consumption and Carbon Emissions
- Action Area 4: Green Procurement
- Action Area 5 – Reduced Waste
We acknowledge that, while the road ahead is long, and there are a number of competing challenges and complexities involved, it is important that we act effectively and appropriately. The Government has set ambitious targets to be achieved by 2030 and by delivering on this Roadmap, which is a collaborative exercise, we can all play our part in creating a better environment for the users of our facilities, our staff, our partners and wider community both local and global, and help ensure a sustainable future for future generations.
Climate Action Roadmap 2023 – English Version
Climate Action Roadmap 2023 – Irish Version
Derek Caldbeck Ciaron McCauley
Climate Action Champion Energy Performance Officer.
Irish Prison Service Climate Action Roadmap 2023 - May 19th, 2023
Irish Prison Service Climate Action Roadmap 2023
We are delighted to publish the second edition of our Climate Action Roadmap for the Irish Prison Service under the Government’s Public Sector Climate Action Mandate.
This Roadmap sets out how the Irish Prison Service aims to meet the targets set by Government in the Climate Action Plan, and our plans to reduce energy related and fossil fuel related emissions from our operations.
The Irish Prison Service is classified as a large energy user. We are an essential 24/7 frontline service providing vital public services. Our prisons are vibrant communities, with over 6,000 people interacting with each other on a daily basis.
While most of our work is done behind the walls of our prisons, every day our vehicles can be seen travelling the length and breadth of the country transporting prisoners to and from courts or between our institutions.
The Irish Prison Service, like many other large organisations, is faced with a number of significant challenges in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. Many of these challenges are not new to our Service – overcrowding, limited capacity, recruitment of staff and providing appropriate care for vulnerable people with serious addiction or mental health issues are all immediate priority. However, we recognise that critical environmental issues, including global warming and the need for decarbonisation are challenges, which we must face up to and address sooner rather than later.
The publication of our Climate Action Roadmap is the first step in our journey. This Roadmap will be updated on an annual basis and its implementation will be driven by a newly formed Climate Action Steering Group consisting of senior staff from across the organisation each with expertise in key areas such as strategic planning, energy management, transportation, waste and water management, staff training and communications.
The Climate Action Steering Committee will be led our Climate and Sustainability Lead Mr. Ciaron McCauley who is our nominated Energy Performance Officer (EPO) as required by the Climate Action Mandate. The Committee will report to the Directors Leadership Team via the Climate Action Champion, Derek Caldbeck, Director of Finance Estates & Procurement
We have identified a number of “Action Areas” in our Roadmap, which include practical and achievable actions including:
- Action Area 1: Monitoring and Reporting
- Action Area 2: Culture of Sustainability
- Action Area 3: Reduced Consumption and Carbon Emissions
- Action Area 4: Green Procurement
- Action Area 5 – Reduced Waste
We acknowledge that, while the road ahead is long, and there are a number of competing challenges and complexities involved, it is important that we act effectively and appropriately. The Government has set ambitious targets to be achieved by 2030 and by delivering on this Roadmap, which is a collaborative exercise, we can all play our part in creating a better environment for the users of our facilities, our staff, our partners and wider community both local and global, and help ensure a sustainable future for future generations.
Climate Action Roadmap 2023 – English Version
Climate Action Roadmap 2023 – Irish Version
Derek Caldbeck Ciaron McCauley
Climate Action Champion Energy Performance Officer.