Corporate Services

Corporate Services Directorate

The Corporate Services Directorate has primary responsibility for ensuring that the Irish Prison Service meets its Corporate Governance responsibilities.

It is also responsible for internal communications, Information & Communications Technology and Health & Safety Compliance across the Prisons Estate.

Corporate Services:

Oversees Corporate Compliance and ensures the Irish Prison Service:

  • Meets its Corporate Governance responsibilities as set out in the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies
  • Adopts relevant corporate best practices, across the organisation.
  • Implements appropriate governance & oversight strategies
  • Adheres to its obligations re. Data Governance including implementation of Freedom of Information, Data Protection and Protected Disclosures strategies
  • Corporate Services is responsible for monitoring and overseeing the Irish Prison Service Risk Management Framework
  • Monitors and aims to ensure that in the performance of its functions, the Irish Prison Service has regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, promote equality and protect human rights of staff and people availing of their services.

Corporate Services also oversees management of key projects and programmes across the functional areas of Corporate Services, Administration and ICT;  Delivers data analytics and statistical information for the Irish Prison Service; Oversees/co-ordinates legal cases and Protected Disclosures within the Irish Prison Service and undertakes Headquarters Building and Facilities Management.

Information & Communications Technology

  • Delivers ICT services for the Irish Prison Service;
  • Develops and manages the organisation’s ICT infrastructure in support of the strategic priorities of the Irish Prison Service
  • Manages the ICT budget to achieve the best service consistent with efficiency, effectiveness and value for money;
  • Implements Government policy on ICT, including eGovernment initiatives;

Risk Assurance and Compliance Office (“RACO”)

  • Has overall responsibility for Health & Safety Compliance across the Irish Prison Service,
  • Supports compliance across the Irish Prison Service Estate, through delivery of training and compliance testing across the breadth activities that come under the umbrella of Health & Safety.'

The Corporate Services Directorate also includes:

Contact the Directorate:

The Director of Corporate Services

IDA Business Park, Ballinalee Road, Longford, Co. Longford, N39 A308

Phone: +353 43 33 35100

Fax: +353 43 33 35371

Ms Donna Creaven

Director of Corporate Services