
The Irish Prison Service is a member of EuroPris - the European Organisation of Prison and Correctional Services.

EuroPris is a non-political, non-governmental organisation that was initiated in late 2010, founded in 2011 and officially registered in The Netherlands in December 2011.  The initiative to establish the organisation was taken during the Swedish Presidency of the EU in 2009 and was taken forward by the European countries of the International Roundtable for Correctional Excellence.

EuroPris speaks for the views of prison practitioners in Europe. Its membership is limited to the national prison authorities of the European Union (including devolved authorities). Affiliation with the organisation is open to all other European jurisdictions.

EuroPris brings together practitioners in the prisons’ arena with the specific intention of promoting ethical and rights-based imprisonment, exchanging information and providing expert assistance to support this agenda.

The organisation exists to improve co-operation among European Prison and Correctional Services, with the aim of improving the lives of prisoners and their families, enhancing public safety and security; reducing re-offending; and advancing professionalism in the corrections’ field.

For more information please visit EuroPris

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