Pop-up Restaurant in Cork Prison – The Open Door Restaurant

Pop-up Restaurant in Cork Prison – The Open Door Restaurant

29th March 2023


The Irish Prison Service in collaboration with the Department of Tourism & Hospitality at Munster Technological University, IASIO and Cork Education and Training Board were delighted to host the second a pop-up restaurant event, The Open Door Restaurant, in Cork Prison on Tuesday 28th, March 2023. The Practical Culinary Skills programme involves six prisoners who undertook an intensive eight-week course that allows for the assessment of learning outcomes but also provides prisoners with the relevant experience of a “live” operational restaurant space. Invited guests will be seated in the Education Unit of the prison and will be served by Hospitality Management students from Munster Technological University (MTU) on the night.


Speaking about the new initiative, Governor of Cork Prison, Ger Manly said, “Prison is not about locking the door, it’s about unlocking potential in order to open doors for people upon release. This project enhances the rehabilitative and employment options for all those who work and train here in the years to come.”


This programme, is co-managed by, the Irish Prison Service, Department of Tourism and Hospitality and the Access Service, MTU is designed to train and educate prisoners to improve and develop both their culinary skills and workplace learning.  It will allow them to progress towards further training, education, and employment opportunities in the community.


Maggie Cusack, President of MTU congratulated all those involved in the initiative. “This is a brilliant collaboration between the Prison Service and MTU. The longevity of this training will give people the opportunities to change lives. There is real resistance around lifelong learning, particularly in Cork this week with the Lifelong Learning Festival.


This initiative demonstrates the unique partnership between our organisations, which enhance pathways to further Training, Education and Employment for people in custody. This programme builds on several years of existing co-operation with stakeholders and demonstrates the future focus on supports and rehabilitative needs of prisoners and potentially offers a solution to employers in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry with providing new motivated employees to fill the current shortage in there sector.

Denis Leamy Chief Executive of Further Education and Training with Cork Education and Training Board thanked all the staff involved: “It is wonderful to watch the interaction between teaching staff and prisoners, which builds the capacity and engagement so that programmes like the Culinary Skills are so successful.


Also speaking at the event is, IASIO Operations Manager, Barry Ownes, “This collaboration imparts real skills to people which in turn provides real skills for employers. A prisoner with skills and qualifications can become an employer’s solution” 


It highlights the many available opportunities to prisoners in custody who want to engage in a meaningful way as it supports and allows them to set and achieve realistic goals that will transfer with them back into the community.

William O’Brien was one of the graduates from last year’s Culinary Skills programme and was one of the invited guests in attendance at last night’s event to share his story. “After completing the programme in 2022 it opened the door for so any new opportunities. The learning, training, support and accreditation I received allowed me to secure my first ever offer of employment.  The last 12 months have been life changing for me and my family with a new job, home and career with a great employer in the community.”

For further information contact:


The Press Officer

Irish Prison Service

Ballinalee Road


Co. Longford

  1. T. 043 3335235
  2. M. 0876674284
  3. pressoffice@irishprisons.ie





Note to Editors:

The Practical Culinary Skills programme is a collaborative initiative between Irish Prison Service, Munster Technological University, Cork Education Training Board and IASIO. This collaboration sees 6 participants engage in an eight-week intensive course in the Cork Prison Education Unit.


The programme is designed to train and educate prisoners to improve and develop their culinary skills in workplace learning and progress towards further Training, Education and Employment opportunities in the community.


It supports and encourages all participants to reach their potential and acquire recognised industry and academic accreditation such as a Special Purpose Award (5 credits) in culinary skills and the EHAI – Primary Course that includes Food Safety and HACCP training which allows you to secure employment in Hotels, Restaurant and the Catering industry in Ireland. It highlights the many available opportunities to prisoners in custody who want to engage in a meaningful way as it supports and allows them to set and achieve realistic goals that will transfer with them back into the community.


Each participant attends the education unit twice a week and are tutored by a lecturer from the MTU Tourism & Hospitality Department and a home economics teacher with the CETB Prison Education Unit. It combines classroom training with hands on practical skills development in a live kitchen environment. It offers all participants the opportunity to further develop there learning, attain new skills and training and offers a real pathway to open the door for graduates to continue to engage in the community and reduce recidivism rates by moving away from a life of crime and providing for their family.


This new initiative demonstrates how the Irish Prison Service and programme partners are future focused, supports the rehabilitative needs of prisoners and potentially offers a solution to employers in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry with providing new motivated employees to fill the current shortage in there sector.


The Department of Tourism and Hospitality at MTU encompasses the areas of Culinary Arts and Culinary Studies, Tourism Management, Hospitality Management and Hospitality Studies, Beverage Industry Management and Home Economics & Business, and has over 500 students studying in a dedicated building on the Bishopstown Campus in Cork.